Ensuring a Sustainable Future with Fiberglass Pipes

As humans continue to advance, our need for sustainability will advance as well. One piece of technology that is simple in nature, but vital to our existence is the pipe. Water pipes have been around since 4,000 BCE, and can be found in all corners of the Earth. There are several types of pipes that make up our infrastructure, such as steel pipes, pressurized concrete pipes, ductile iron pipes, and fiberglass pipes.

As of the end of February of this year, the Federal Government announced $5.8 billion in funding for updating municipal water infrastructure. With this promise, the water pipe can continue to evolve and improve to ensure safety and sustainability. Wasted water amounts to 6 billion gallons per day, which is enough to fill over 9,000 swimming pools. There is also a pressing need to restore aging infrastructure, as we are currently 75 years into infrastructure that is only designed to last for 50 years.

Updating the water pipe and continuing to strive for innovation in infrastructure is a step in the right direction. It can help to cut carbon impacts for a more sustainable future. These changes may seem minute, but will make a big splash in our efforts to sustain a more environmentally friendly future.

The Water Fiberglass Pipe – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

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