Few things are as crippling to a family as expensive hospital bills with failed insurance claims. Hospital bills are a necessity, sometimes people get sick, sometimes people get hurt. Although when insurance doesn’t come through that’s when the costs become unreasonable. Of course, some of the time this will be due to improper coverage. Although much of the time it’s due to simple errors.
This is what AI powered insurance card readers with API are trying to help alleviate. Card readers are already fairly commonplace today. These allow people to simply take a photo of their insurance card instead of putting things in manually. Already this is a great tool for reducing error, but AI card readers take it a step further.
These readers are trained explicitly on insurance cards, payers, and plans. This gives them the unique ability of actively interpreting insurance cards. What this means is that the reader will capture, verify, and process the card all at once. Of course this creates a faster process than manually verification and processing, but it’s also more accurate. More accuracy means that consumers and payers alike are saving money.
So now, with AI card readers, the system is able to work as intended. Again this can’t save bad insurance from not applying, but it makes sure good insurance will. It’s also far more accessible than the alternative of manual submission. Now those submitting claims don’t need to be experts on their insurance to make sure it applies. They just need to be able to take a photo of their card.

Source: OrbitHC