Maintaining a Loyal Customer Base with Modern Marketing Techniques

In a world where it is vital for brands to set themselves apart from competitors, consistency and personalization are two techniques that many are using to do just that. However, two-thirds of all customers still do not get personalized experience. Understanding these tools is the first step in excelling towards modern marketing success.

Brand consistency refers to maintaining the same image on all platforms. This includes social media channels, websites, email marketing, advertisements, and all other forms of public image. Maintaining a consistent voice and appearance on these platforms increases consumer affinity for the product or service. Hyper-personalization has a similar effect on consumer and business success. In fact, 86% of companies report better business results from hyper-personalization. Big name businesses like Netflix, Amazon, and Starbucks are big players in personalization. From individualized recommendations to curated algorithms and advertisements, these efforts help to boost sales and increase consumer loyalty.

The importance of these efforts is clear, as companies can risk losing 38% of customers from poorly personalized content. Some of the most successful brands today are using these techniques to push their brand image and reputation forwards. Consumers are buying into these efforts as well, defining a new era of modern marketing through technology.

How Strong Brand Consistency Drives Brand Success
Source: BrandGuard

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