7 Best Employee Productivity Hacks for Enterprises in 2022

The era of digital transformation brings many revolutionary changes in workplace environments. Modern-day advancements and rapidly growing business markets ensure that employees are productive enough to deliver solutions around the clock. Let’s take a look at the seven best employee productivity hacks in 2022 for Enterprises.

1. Communicate Effectively

Honest and open communication prevents problems and helps resolve issues quickly. A 2021 study reveals that effective communication helps increase employee productivity by 25%. The research also mentions that enterprises maintaining effective communications have a 3.5 times higher tendency to outperform their market competitors.

An example of effective communication is a well-planned team meeting. This productivity hack is beneficial both for the individual employee and the enterprise as a whole. Also, the ability to judge whether a piece of information to be communicated can be sent through an email or message rather than a meeting, goes a long way in improving overall productivity.

2. Motivate Your Employees

Employees find purpose in their work when they feel encouraged. A recent study by Gallup Inc. highlights that motivated individuals work 20% better, resulting in a 21% increase in company profits. Moreover, the global attrition rate stood at 20% in 2021 due to unsatisfied employees in the workplace.

An enterprise should develop innovative ways to encourage its employees for enhanced productivity. For example, rewards and benefits programs play a significant role in boosting employee confidence. It also helps to reduce attrition rates within the company. Likewise, companies should also focus on ensuring a healthy work-life balance while also tending to employee grievances.

3. Implement Modern Workplace Tools and Technologies

A company should foster an innovative work environment. Studies indicate that collaborative tools increase operation efficiency by 131%. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another way to reduce skill gaps. Studies also speculate that AI can increase global worker productivity to 6.2 billion hours by the end of 2024.

Collaboration and management tools help team members communicate and work cohesively in business-critical projects. In addition, frequent technological advancements help optimize, streamline, and organize daily tasks in the workplace

For instance, Apty helps boost productivity using an in-app help deck that provides instant support to employees within any web-based application. It houses contextual content for different types of users which improves employee engagement and in turn their productivity. Employees can access content in several formats like PDFs, PPTs, videos, and walkthroughs that make them confident, and less reliant on IT support teams.

4. Leverage Proactive Time Management Techniques

Recent studies indicate that 18% of the workforce is inefficient in time management. Taking note of your work timings and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial in ensuring enhanced employee productivity.

The Pomodoro process is an efficient time management technique developed by Mr. Francesco Cirillo. Pomodoro was Mr. Cirillo’s kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato from which the technique derives its name. The technique divides the given work into 25-minute intervals, each followed by a short break of five to ten minutes. It is highly effective since it manages time by ensuring minimum distractions. In addition, the technique imparts discipline to employees and improves concentration in the workplace.

The process includes six steps:

  • Decide or assign the task to yourself.
  • Set an alarm for 25 minutes.
  • Keep working until the alarm rings.
  • Stop the work and take a short break. The duration is usually five to ten minutes.
  • Resume after the break and keep continuing for four intervals of 25 minutes each.
  • After four Pomodoro’s are complete, take an extended break of 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Once you come back from your break, check the progress of your work.
  • Repeat step 2 for any pending tasks.

5. Create the Right Team at Your Workplace

Always strive to collaborate with people with the right mindset. Having a skilled and professional team will help achieve business goals effectively. A way to ensure this, is by interviewing candidates in a structured manner to ensure that the right talent is hired. Skilled professionals will add experience to your team, thus increasing knowledge and generating business growth in the long run.

Employees favor a workplace that allows room for creativity and growth. Ensuring that your team structure doesn’t restrict employee freedom is crucial not only for engagement but also for the general well-being of everyone involved.

6. Prevent Distractions

Enterprises should help minimize distractions to boost employee productivity. Studies indicate that 98% of the workforce faces interruptions around three to four times a day. This leads to increased errors in the workplace, resulting in substantial losses. Therefore, an enterprise must manage distractions and make employees productive and accountable for the tasks.

The best employee productivity hacks to prevent distractions involve implementing time management techniques like the Pomodoro method mentioned earlier. It ensures the use of focused time and staying away from non-productive tasks. Additionally, a company might also allow personal leisure time to its employees in short intervals without impacting work activities.

7. Train your Employees Effectively

An employee that doesn’t know what they’re doing is severely going to hinder productivity. However, it isn’t just about knowing how to use an application. Krishna Dunthoori, Founder and CEO of Apty, says that productivity is guaranteed when the user knows what to do and does it right on the first attempt.

This is one of the outcomes that Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are built to achieve. The Apty DAP is one of the best ways to ensure that employees are trained in the right manner. This allows business processes to be executed smoothly without hindering productivity at all.


With the ongoing pandemic, 88% of business organizations worldwide encouraged their employees to work from home. The main reason for such an increase is to maintain business continuity within enterprises. During the pandemic, employee productivity hacks included encouraging team members remotely, adhering to deliverable timelines, and staying focused on business goals.

For a deeper insight into productivity, you can always get in touch with Apty. The renowned company offers an exceptional Digital Adoption Platform that trains your employees with perfection so that they execute their jobs with ease and contribute their bit to increased ROI.


Author bio

Revanth Periyasamy

Revanth is a B2B Marketer who has a definite flair for outreach and networking, alongside being a prolific writer. As an author, he enjoys exploring all things related to digital adoption and transformation. When the ‘B2B Marketing ninja’ mask is off, Revanth is an ardent tech geek, a lover of road trips, and a sports enthusiast who plays badminton, cricket, or any sport, really!

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